OK I need to sit down and really think about how I need to build my list.
Jobs: Lures, Armor Killers, MEQ Killers, Crowd Killers, Speed Bumps
Lures: A lure's job is to sit somewhere and draw enemy fire. So far these fire magnets have typically been things like my Broadsides and Pathfinders. And while I'm not fond of losing those units I can deal with it when I have to.
Armor Killers: Shadowsun, anything that can be equipped with a fusion blaster, Railguns on Broadsides and a Railhead.
MEQ Killers: Anything that's AP3. Mostly just Crisis suits with Pulse Rifles, but an Ion Head will do in a pinch. Rail Rifles on Pathfinders will also work here.
Crowd Killers: Lots of shots, preferably AP 4 or 5, the higher strength the better. That means the Airbursting Fragmentation Projector, the Cyclic Ion Blaster, Burst Cannons, Flamers, Ion Cannon (again), Submunition Shots, SMS Shots and to a lesser degree the Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, and a lot of Pulse Rifles at 12".
Speed Bumps: Yeah... that's the Kroot. Maybe the Stealth Suits.
OK so now we need to think of how we want to position these units:
Lures: Pathfinders for certain. Maybe deep-strike Shadowsun early if that can work in my favor. Other potential lures would be a small band of Firewarriors or a gun-drone squad.
Armor Killers: Shadowsun would be one dedicated armor killer, even if she's a lure. I don't fancy using my Crisis Suits for dedicated anti-armor, with the exception of forward armor (stuff that runs into my lines). My Piranhas, while traditionally used for objective contesting, are going to be pushed more to anti-armor. Naturally Raiheads and Broadsides will fit in here too.
MEQ Killers: This is going to be at least three Crisis Suits. If I want to go dedicated then a standard team of three with Pulse Rifles, Targeting Arrays, and... something? I could toss a fusion blaster on the suit but without the multi-trackers I'm forced to choose. By moving this to an HQ slot I can put the trackers as hardwired. If I wasn't using Shadowsun I could make two identical HQ units like this. If I wanted to invest in Farsight (I don't) I could theoretically move this up to seven bodyguards PLUS another three for the second HQ slot PLUS Farsight himself for a whopping ELEVEN dedicated MEQ/Vehicle killers. Tempting but honestly that's a bit out of my budget right now. Also in the MEQ slot I really think I want to field an Ion head, and I'll likely have a few Rail Rifles. I have no aspirations of the Rail Rifles living long enough to Kill a MEQ but hey - it's a threat. Theoretically I could also run some Vespids here but... meh...
Crowd Killers: Burst cannons, and lots of them. Where I can't fit a burst cannon I'm going to put in an SMS or a Missile Pod. Whatever I put in here must be able to make it up to the forward lines and quickly. I could start another unit of Piranhas with burst cannons (three would give me 12 Str 5 AP 5 shots, 3 twin linked... hmm). On the other hand I can put SMS on the Ion Head. This would give me a 24" range that I can pump seven shots into, or I can fall back to a safer distance and pump just three. On a Railhead I'd probably load up Burst Cannons to offset the cost and give it something better to do after I've removed most armor.
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