Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shadowsun Thoughts

I've been thinking a bit about the pinup-girl of the tau, Commander Shadowsun. I - in theory - like her rule set but I see where she can be a big turnoff to most players. Her sculpt is cool and while my plan is to use the model as my own custom commander (gotta love magnets) I was wondering just how well can she play in 5e?

Comparisons to a Shas'o:
I guess the first stop on any thought train like this has to be a numbers crunch. Weapon and Ballistic Skills as well as her number of Attacks match the Shas'o, with her Strength, Toughness, and Wounds are lower though - technically from the command drone - she does somewhat match on wounds (more later). She does have a higher Initiative though. Both have leadership 10.

When we move to the suit though she starts to shine a bit more. She for one has some equipment that is not normally seen on the other suits: her command link drone which let's her share her leadership (and adding an extra wound that can be distributed) and her stealth features make her a lot more formidable. In all the points even out with her coming in slightly behind - though I do worry that she will fall behind without the ability to join other units or have body guards.

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