Saturday, September 26, 2009

But Dude - Why do you play Tau?

This is covered by our profile posts but consider this an expanded rant on the subject.

Today I was visiting my in-laws who gave my by birthday presents early (a devilfish and a piranha). I was speaking with my brother-in-law goes "But dude - why do you play Tau?"

The initial answer was simplistic and focused on answering that I like playing high maneuverability and the sleek design that looks military without being clunky. But the question bothered me.

Why do we play Tau?

We may have been drawn to the Tau because he remind us of Transformers, or Gundam, or some other Japanese robot. But that's why we MODEL Tau - not play.

We play Tau because we know that standing still can have as much strategy as moving around. We only sit and wait for the enemy to approach us because it's more fun to let him run full tilt into the range of our rail guns. When they get close we move around the board, flying past obstacles and firing away at targets of opportunity. We don't play Tau because they're the biggest nastiest thing out there. We understand that three Crisis suits can do more damage to our opponents than one Terminator can. We play Tau because we enjoy the strategy and tactics that such a challenging race can bring. Are we weak at assault? Yes. Is that a flaw? No - it means we just do not let you assault us.

We play Tau because we know what they can offer, and what we offer them. We stand by and roll the dice just as diligently as any other race and take our losses with honor - because we just took another step to defeating you. Every Firewarrior, Crisis Suit, Hammer Head and Kroot you advance on just ticks away towards our next strategy. Every marker light that guides our is a beacon that says:

We will not give up. We will find the way to beat you. Our forces work together and our strategy will be refined to defeat you. We are the Tau Empire and we will bring peace and prosperity to the universe for the Greater Good.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shield Drone Project

If I'm lucky I'll get photos up this week but I did complete the mod to change two gun drones into one shield drone. Here is an overview of my DIY Shield Drone:

  1. I took a drill bit (you can use the Games Workshop Hobby Drill) that was the same size as the hole in the bottom of the gun drone disc that will be the bottom disc of the shield drone. I then drilled the hole all the way through the gun drone disc. I did this to ensure the drone would sit level on its flight stand
  2. Next I took the center bit that normally joins the gun drone disc to the guns and snipped off the nub that would normally be inserted into the gun drone using my plastic snipers.
  3. I dropped a dab of glue into the hole that the flight stand normally is inserted into, then pressed the nub into the hole to fill it.
  4. I took the "top" gun drone disc and dropped a dab of glue into the hole underneath it.
  5. I inserted the center bit into the disc aligned so the "teeth" on the bottom of the center bit facing the rear of the drone.
  6. I smeared a bit of glue on the free nub of the center disc and then pressed it into the bottom, taking care to ensure the discs were lined up as mirrors of each other.
  7. I snipped the aerials from the sprues and glued both of them on top of the new shield drone. By this point I was able to verify that new shield drone can sit on a flight stand.
  8. That's it! Now I just have to paint the blasted thing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Frugal Warhammer Player: Tau Empire Battleforce

I am still eagerly saving up my pennies to buy the Tau Empire Battleforce. Technically I have enough money right now to buy one of these. Well - technically right now I have it, but my itchy wallet says go to to Louisville Game Shop this weekend and BUY BUY BUY and... well... they don't have it in stock.

Anyway - this thing is not only the best "entry" into the game as a Tau player it offers some incredible versatility.

My only issue here is the HQ slot. I believe Games Workshop intends for you to use the standard XV-8 in this slot but as I've said before that just feels weird to me. Either remodel it or spring for an extra $30 and buy the Crisis Commander and you'll be set. Optionally you can stick the XV-8 as a Bodyguard or move him down to Elites.

If you're like me and don't like using the standard XV-8 in this slot and/or have a Commander, the XV-8 can fall in here along with that nice Stealth team and their Markerlight Drone.

Far better than the 300-point army list I posted previously this gives you the option of fielding a team of Fire Warriors and a team of Kroot. To make things nicer you can mount your Fire Warriors in your Devilfish by taking the Gun Drones out of the squad (more on that in a bit).

The Gun Drones
I'm not a big fan of Gun Drones so far, but I do see their uses. In this set you get a whopping six - count 'em - six gun drones, including ditching the two on the APC in favor of using that spot on the model with a Smart Missile System.

So your options then become using them either as a fast-attack Gun Drone squad or you can mod them into shield drones. I'll have details on my plan for that up soon. I hope be experimenting with this mod over the next week so if I'm lucky I'll have photos up soon.

Overall this thing is a fantastic deal for the money. MSRP is $90 for the set, where as you can expect to pay that much for just the two troop choices and the XV-8. On top of that I've seen this thing online for about $72. Not a bad way to get started.

The Frugal Fieldable Tau Army

I was tinkering with my first thread on Advanced Tactica and started thinking about the lowest cost (in terms of money) army that can be put together which got me thinking: what would be the lowest cost army that can be fielded but still leave flexibility as your collection expands.

So the rules are:
  1. Must contain all three of your +1 troop choices
  2. Must round off to 100 points
  3. Since war gear does not have to be represented on the model, use war gear where possible to avoid locking yourself into any given configuration.

HQ: Tau Crisis Battlesuit Commander (MSRP: $30)
Note: I know that technically you can get away with using a standard XV-8 Crisis Battle suit it feels a little ganky to me, plus this way you get some extra wargear bits you don't normally have access to.

Configuration: Shas'el with Cyclic Ion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Targeting Array, Hard-wired Multi-Tracker, Stimulant Injector, Hard-Wired Black Sun Filter, Hard-Wired Target Lock. Total Points: 118

Tau Fire Warrior Team (MSRP: $35)
Note: As far as I can tell, just because it's on the model it does NOT mean you have to actually have that equipment. So when assembling the troops I recommend having two models holding the marker light so you can use it later at higher point level games.

The Tau Fire Warrior Team can be used to build two six-man teams. Make two models (one per team) Team Leaders. I like making the two teams identical:

  • Shas'Ui Team Leader with: Bonding Knife, Hard-Wired Drone Controller, One Gun Drone
  • Five Shas'la Fire Warriors.
  • All six models in the team with Photon Grenades.
Total Point Cost: Two teams of 91 points each (182 points total)

If you want extra survivability on your commander you can drop the Targeting Array and one drone to get the Shield Generator.

The XV-8 is there to hammer at as many targets at a distance as you can. Jump-Shoot-Jump is the order of the day. Use your troops to to lay cover fire so the XV-8 can fall back if needed but largely use them to grab and hold objectives.