Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heterodox: Damage

OK. Firearms in the game are a bit overly damaging the way they are now. Three shots and you drop. A medium pistol at average damage will drop most people in just two hits. So do I make guns less deadly or people more resilient?

So here's what I'm thinking about for hit points: Toughness times three for HP. So average people will have about 15-18 HP. Mad tough people will have about 27-30.

Now if I want to aim for medium pistols on average kill average people in 3 hits, then the damage needs to average 5-6 points per hit. Light pistols should take twice as long say 2-3 per hit. Heavy pistols then would be 10-12 damage on average.

Light Pistol/SMG: 1d6 (3)
Pistols in this category are more designed to annoy an attacker and slightly deter than actually kill. Granted a critical hit will do 12 points of damage. If you were lucky enough to make that a called shot to a vital area then yeah you'd have killed them. SMGs are a little more popular in this class because while you would have to hit someone with about 6 to 10 rounds to kill them. Easy enough on the full auto setting.

Medium Pistol/SMG: 2d6 (7)
Medium firearms fall in the 9mm and 10mm range for ammunition. They are considered the standard for most criminals and anyone with a serious mind for self defense. Submachine guns in this class are of course incredibly deadly and are often employed by most security forces.

Heavy Pistol/SMG: 3d6 (11)
Employed by most street hitmen and as a sidearm for military & security forces. The SMG is used by black-ops teams and special forces units, or mounted onto powered armor.

Assault Rifle: 4d6 (14)
Employed by military forces as the main weapon for troops. It is designed to severely wound with one hit, and kill easily.

Battle Rifle: 4d6+6 (20)
Formerly used by most militaries, it has been replaced largely by the assault rifle in combat due to its excessive fatality rate. The assault rifle provides a larger drain on resources and morale.

Anti-Material Rifle: 4d6+12 (26)
Designed to aid in the destruction of vehicles and buildings it is generally considered a war-crime to use a weapon in this class against anyone in less than medium armor.

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