The Kais'shi sept is centered around around two the only two habitable stellar bodies in a small section of space conquered in the third-sphere expansion. The primary planet in the systems of the Kais'shi sept is the planet Ter'shi with its habitable moon Kor'kais.
Ter'shi is a largely temperate planet with roughly 60% of its surface covered with ocean. Polar regions are arctic. Moving towards the equator is mostly deciduous forest. The equatorial regions are largely jungle or grasslands. Ter'shi is mostly used for food production as well as habitat for a large population of Kroot. The Tau of the planet mostly center around the twenty large cities scattered around the planet, including two undersea complexes and one city that floats on the ocean.
Kor'kais spends roughly two-thirds of the solar year in the shadow of Ter'shi. At the surface gravity is roughly equivalent to that on most planets but as as you leave orbit opposite of Ter'shi gravity pull drops quickly, making the planet an ideal launching point for vehicles. Life on Kor'kais is uniquely adapted to the darkness of the moon. Plants can photosynthesize from even the most scant starlight and much of the native wildlife has strong night vision.
The Kais'shi sept has two major color schemes. Units that are primarily based on the planet have dark green armor with brown highlights. Units based on the moon or on the bases throughout the system tend to mostly black with silver highlights.
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